Festive Figs - The Story Behind the Series

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Summer fruits, in all their bright glorious colour, skyrocket me back to Christmas day as a child with my parents and brother, aunties, uncles and cousins gathered around a huge table spread with spectacular platters of hot and cold dishes.

My aunties and my mother always combined their skills to turn the table into a kaleidoscope of gourmet delights. Excited conversation flowed and laughter was loud, followed by endless games with cousins on the lawn as our parents enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with more laughter or a quiet nap. At night we would regroup. The guitars would come out; harmonizing would begin. More dishes of colourful summer fruits and leftover Christmas pudding would be handed around as we all relished the opportunity to once again enjoy time together as an enormous extended family.

This series celebrates these wonderful memories and the great fortune I feel to have them to enjoy.

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